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Botox® ​​for Hyperhydrosis (Excessive Sweating)

​Botox® has also other important uses. One of which is for treatment of Hyperhydrosis or Excessive Sweating. 

Areas treated are underarms, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. Patients choose Botox® treatment when all other modalities of management for excessive sweating have failed. Patients who have undergone treatments with Botox® experience more than 50% reduction of sweating (and odour). This result to patients regaining back their self-confidence.

Excessive sweating treatment with ​Botox® requires more volume and injections to cover areas with hyperactive glands. Injections are done shallower than for (anti-wrinkles treatment) since the targetted sweat glands are located just within the skin.

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NEU cosmetic plastic surgery

​​Botox® Philippines

@ Centuria Medical Makati (Metro Manila) 

Botox® ​or Botulinum toxin injection is one of the most common non-surgical cosmetic or aesthetic procedures worldwide. This beauty treatment is very popular because it can improve appearance of an aspect of the face (wrinkles) but does not have the risk of complications, side effects, long recovery periods usually associated with invasive surgical procedures. 

Botox® is the fastest growing and the most in demand wrinkle erasing procedure because it can significantly reduce or remove lines in a short time, it is very easy to administer (by a qualified practitioner), and is affordable. 

Treatment requires only multiple injections of the Botox® (clear fluid) in very small volume (typically 0.05 to 0.1ml per site) into the muscles of facial expressions of the face. The most commonly treated areas are the forehead (horizontal lines), glabella (vertical lines between brows), and Crow's feet (lines on the sides of the eyes). The procedure takes just a few minutes and leaves only very small needle marks which disappears after a few hours.

Botox® removes wrinkles by paralyzing certain face muscles that cause skin wrinkling everytime they contract or move. These type of wrinkles are called "dynamic lines" and are the most responsive to the treatment. Effects are dramatic. Lines disappear from the 3rd to 10th day of injection. This easily takes away years from an aging face. Wrinkle-free effect lasts 4 months.

In NEU Advanced Aesthetics Center at Centuria Medical Makati, we do Botox® treatment in a unique way. We remove those lines but preserve some movements to make our patients look "naturally" younger looking. Our patented 

Botox® technique developed by Dr. Al Jaafar, prevents the "frozen" look or the dreaded "absence of facial expression". 

Book us now, for a unique experience with Botox® treatment with our board certified doctor at our LaZboy equipped treatment room. Call +632 793 8747 or +63918 985 3668.

Botox® FAQs 
1. What is BOTOX®?
BOTOX® is one of the trade names of Botulinum Toxin Type A. There are other brands of Botulinum toxin like Dysport® and Neurobloc®.

2.  What is a Botulinum toxin?
It is a neurotoxin that are produced by a type of bacteria (anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum) that can cause muscle paralysis or botulism,  a serious and life-threatening illness in humans and animals.

3. What are the uses?
Currently, it is being used for many medical (muscle spasm, excessive sweating, chronic migraine, etc.  ) and cosmetic procedures.

4. What are the common cosmetic indications?
BOTOX® is used to reduce or remove dynamic wrinkles. These are wrinkles caused by excessive movements of facial muscles causing the skin to bunch together creating lines and folds (wrinkles).

5.  Where are the most common locations (areas) for dynamic wrinkles?

a.  Frown lines between the eyebrows (Frown lines),
b. Horizontal lines across the forehead (Forehead wrinkles),
c. Lines extending from the outer corners of the eyes (Crow’s feet)

6. How does BOTOX®  work on the wrinkles?
Relaxing the muscles involved in creating the dynamic wrinkles will cause a reduction in their movements. Thus, skin over the area of the muscles will be spared from constant folding and bunching, reducing lines formation.

7. How long would a treatment take?
Ten to fifteen minutes (10-15 min) per area. It is just an office procedure.

8. How is the treatment carried?
A syringe with very fine needle is used to inject the medicine to the muscles (via skin).  An ice pack is usually applied over the sites to be injected to make it numb and make the procedure comfortable (lesser in pain). Local anesthetics cannot be applied as it will interfere and diffuse the local effect of the BOTOX®.

9. How many injections per area are made?
4-6 injections per area.

10. What are the usual advise for patients after BOTOX®  treatment?
a. Do not wash injection sites overnight.
b. Treatments like RF face or face/head massage are deferred for at least a week.

11. When do I expect the effect to be noticed?
Effects are observed as early as on the 3rd day and as late as after 7-14 days. (10 years younger!)

12. Do I have a follow-up after the procedure?
Follow-up after 1 week is recommended (if possible).

13. When do I repeat the treatment?

Effect of the treatment can last 4-6 months. A repeat after this period is an option to maintain the young-looking wrinkle-free appearance.

14. What are the complications?
Immediate complications are swelling, bruising, and headaches. But these are usually rare.

15. What other clinic procedures BOTOX® is used?
a. Excessive sweating of the underarms, palms, and feet.
b. Reduction of “Cow’s neck” that starts to appear at the age of 50.
c. Bruxism
d. Shaping eyebrows
e. Shaping the area between the cheeks and jaw

​Taken from an article written by Dr. Al Farabi L. Jaafar at