Liposuction before and after photos
liposuction poor candidate
Underarms liposuction promo
Liposuction before and after photos
liposuction areas
Liposuction Philippines

A. Initial consultation and assessment (30min)

     Discuss your concerns


     Review of medical history and medications



B. Lab exams and medical clearance (3-4 hours)

     Blood and urine examinations

     Chest x-ray and ECG

     Covid-19 test

     Other tests

     Examination by an Internist or Cardiologist

C. Surgery day (usually next day)
     Photo-taking and preparation (1 hour)
     Liposuction (approx 30-45 minutes per body part)
     Recovery room (3-4 hours for general anaesthesia)
     Discharge (Overnight stay for 6 body parts and up)

D. First follow-up check-up on the 3rd day

     Wound dressing

     Replacement of elastic bandage with compression garment

E. Second follow-up on the 7th day

     Stitch removal

     Photo- taking


6 Tips For Amazing Results from Liposuction

Top Liposuction surgeon Philippines
Liposuction before and after photos



Body or face contouring

Double chin  and Underarms liposuction PROMO

ends on July 2022.




based on technology/machines being used

FB cosmetic plastic surgery
Liposuction FAQ

Other terms:
Suction lipectomy
Fat suctioning
Suction-assisted fat removal

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure for reducing fat deposits, to contour certain body parts using blunt metal cannulas to break up and aspirate out the fats.

Best candidates for this procedure are the following:
1. At least an adult
2. Psychologically stable
3. Good physical health

Those with medical conditions will have higher risks of surgical complications. Also certain drugs  can increase the risk of bleeding, such as anti-inflammatory or anti-coagulants, and if you are taking any of these then liposuction would not be a safe procedure.

When considering liposuction, you will have an initial consultation with our liposuction surgeon to discuss about the changes that you would like to have with your appearance. He will explain to you if your expectations are reasonable and will explain to you available options to maximise outcome, and explain to you the risks, recovery and costing.

     It is important to ask questions to help you make an informed decision.

Liposuction before and after photos
Liposuction areas
Liposuction process

See more photos and videos on Facebook & Instagram

5 things about liposuction

A typical liposuction procedure begins with..

1. Small incisions are done over targeted areas, usually two per area, 4-6mm long. 

2. Tumescent fluid (composed of diluted anesthetic and blood vessel constricting drug) is administered via the incision with a fine infiltrating cannula using an infiltrating machine or manually with a big syringe.

3. Fluid is allowed to soften the fat and anesthetise the area for 20-30 minutes.

4. Lipo cannula, either attached to a suction machine or a syringe (with negative pressure), is inserted then a to-and-fro motion is made by the surgeon to break and aspirate the fats, which are directed into a calibrated container. The liposuction cannula is inserted into other incision sites to even-out the harvested area.

5. A single stitch is applied over  each skin incision or at times are left open in order to allow drainage of excess fluids.

In PAL, the specialised cannula vibrates to make the breakage of fats easier. Fats are suctioned simultaneously.

In UAL or LAL, a specialised probe that releases ultrasonic or laser energy to melt the fats are inserted initially followed by liposuction cannula suctioning (done separately and sequentially).

Double chin liposuction promo

You need to take care of your body after surgery for a quick recovery and for good results.

1. Strictly follow the post-surgery instructions
Just like other surgeries liposuction has some risks involved and possible complications. Which means it’s very important to follow all the instructions after the surgery.

2. You have to wear compression garments after liposuction
After liposuction, you will get a special compression garment, which you will need to wear. This will prevent bleeding (first 24 hours), reduce swelling and seroma (fluid) formation (first 4 weeks). It will also help to give your body shape in the operated area and with overall recovery.

3. Always take your medication on time
Don’t skip out on taking your antibiotics.

4. Don’t just lie and sit around
Just because you had liposuction surgery does not mean you can lie and sit around all the time. Of course, it’s important to rest but you also need to stay active

5. Take care of your incisions
You will have stitches after the surgery and you should watch over them. With the help of your doctor, you will need to change the bandages at regular intervals and also clean the incisions.      

6. Keep track of the symptoms                                   

Your surgeon will give you some symptoms that might occur after the surgery. Things like bruising, swelling and bleeding.

All in all, patience is important after your liposuction surgery. It takes time to recover after the surgery, usually around 2 to 4 weeks. But to completely recover it usually takes around 6 to 12 months.

how liposuction is done?

Price quoted are in Philippine Peso


1. Local anesthesia

2. Out-patient procedure

3. Syringe liposuction

4. VAT and ET exclusive

5. Cash payments only


based on volume of fats to be removed

Types of liposuction
Liposuction before and after photos

Book an appointment with Dr. Jaafar (use contact form or send a message to +63 9189853668 Viber/Whatsapp). Consultation is free.

Dr. Al Lee Jaafar, will personally do the procedure for you. He is the surgeon of Neu Advanced Aesthetics Centre in Centuria Medical Makati. 

see more of his credentials

see his reviews

see his organisation 


Liposuction recovery

5 things you need to know about LIPOSUCTION

 Standard Liposuction
Involves the conventional steps of infiltrating tumescent fluids to anesthetize and loosen the fats, followed by insertion of  a cannula connected to a syringe (manual) or to a suction machine (suction-assisted) to break and suction the fats. We no longer use standard liposuction at NEU as this technique has poor results, more risks of bleeding, and longer recovery period.

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)
Newer liposuction technologies are constantly being developed. One, which certainly has revolutionized liposuction technique, is PAL (brand - MICROAIRE). Its reciprocating (vibrating to-and-fro at 4000 cycles per minute) cannula breaks even the hardest fat with ease, allowing the surgeon to concentrate more on the contouring aspect of the procedure. This gives better outcome and shorter downtime due to less bleeding and swelling.  There is lesser fatigue also on the part of the surgeon especially when multiple areas are being treated.

The process of infiltrating tumescent fluid is the same as the initial phase of the procedure. Instead of the conventional cannula being used to break and suction fats, the PAL vibrating cannula replaces it.

Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction (UAL)
UAL or VASER (brand), uses ultrasonic waves emanating from a specialized probe that melts fats like butter yet preserving the  surrounding tissues like blood vessels and nerves from damage. Thus suctioning becomes effortless even when combined with conventional liposuction cannulas. VASER has the advantage of skin tightening effect that happens weeks after liposuction because of the heat produced during the procedure.

Our center employs combination of UAL and PAL for the best possible outcome.
Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL)
LAL or SMART LIPO (brand) uses concentrated light energy to melt the fats much like the VASER, although several comparative studies have shown the later more efficient (volume) with melting fat. The high risks of burn have also discouraged us from using this technology.

Water Jet Assisted Liposuction (WAL)
Aqualipo or its brand name Body Jet, is an improvement upon the tumescent liposuction technique. Water jet assisted liposuction introduces a gentle yet powerful spray to help dislodge fat cells during aspiration in order to harvest more fat tissue with less damage to surrounding areas.

liposuction areas

Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Clinic


NEU cosmetic plastic surgery

1. It is a body contouring or sculpting procedure, not a weight losing or weight reducing treatment. Depending on the area or the number of areas to be liposuctioned, only 2000cc to 3000cc of fat can be safely removed.

2. If you are obese, you may be considered as a high risk candidate and may not qualify to undergo liposuction. The reason for this is that chronic medical conditions like diabetes, heart or coronary diseases,  metabolic problems, etc. may be present. Effects of liposuction in obese may also not be appreciable. It is therefore recommended that patients with MBI of 30 or greater, need to lose some weight first to qualify to undergo Liposuction.

BMI Classifications:  
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25.0–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30.0 or greater

How to compute your Body Mass Index:
BMI = (weight in lbs x 703)/(height in inches x height in inches)
Height – 5’8″ (68 inches)
Weight – 175 pounds (lbs)

BMI = (175×703)/(68×68)
= 123025/4624
= 26.60 (Overweight) –
Ok for Liposuction!

3. Overzealous removal of fats by the surgeon may result to skin “rippling”. This is caused by excess fat removal over the superficial layer that makes the skin very thin (having less fat) and thus cannula tracks under it become visible (the rippling or multiple wave effect).

This may be corrected (not completely) by RF (radio frequency) or mesotherapy treatments post-surgery. Being conservative is more prudent than being too aggressive.

4. Laboratory (blood exams) and ancillary procedures (X-ray and ECG) are usually requested by the cosmetic surgeon prior to liposuction. A cardio-pulmonary clearance from a cardiologist or pulmunologist  is requested for those over 30 or 35 years of age. Those younger patients may undergo the same steps if the doctor find it necessary.

5. It will be more safe if your Cosmetic Surgeon is board certified and has a background in General Surgery as he may in good position to handle intra-operative complications especially in abdominal liposuction.

Taken from a post of Dr. Al Farabi L. Jaafar in